
De Leon, Wenndy

Hey, I'm Wenndy. I'm a student studying in Multimedia Integration and I am currently in my first semester. This is my About Me page where I give a little insight on who I am


I use Adobe XD, Photoshop, Figma, Blender, etc. to create unique artworks. I prefer sculpting and animating in Blender in order to make my own figures and create smooth movements.


I draw both on paper & on digital platforms. I use Ibis Paint X and had been in my highschool years.


I enjoy playing this sport outdoors and indoors. I've played in a highschool team and my position was setter.


I like to play Horror games, FPS games and Sandbox games.


I loved writing my own stories with a gory/fantastic/intense combative punch to it. It helped me progress in my English.


I'm not as skilled as my parents, but i aspire to reach their level of experience in cooking. I try to experiment and attempt recipes i find online and keep them in mind for lunch time.

Watching Anime/Collecting Manga

I've always loved watching anime, mostly because of my dad. Over the years, i've lost a bit of that love. However, I collect mangas from my favorite animes in order to have a part of it with me.. And also to make it seem like I LIKE reading.