Weekly Process Notes

Week 1: Investigate

Possible projects: "Blender, animation & sculpting"
After thinking it through, I've decided to work on a sculpture in Blender. I will create a human figure from head to toe, either using a mix between realism and anime. If I am able to, I will then animate my character in an environment I will also create in Blender.

Week 2: Plan & Create

Brainstorming: The character could be a man with muscular features (this will help with musclar anatomy practice). He will be human and will have armor on, maybe medieval type.
Project Building: Materials will be my computer, mouse, keyboard, etc. I will be using Blender. If I deem it fit or struggle with using my mouse, I will use my graphics tablet and pen to accentuate the definition in muscle and possibly the armor. Since I am familiar with basic anatomy from sketching and studying reference, I will use my independent skill. If I have difficulty, I will use Pinterest as a source.

Week 3: Create & Collaborate

Create Prototype: I created the torso of my figure and I am mostly confident in its first form. I might use this as my final creation. I still have to add definition to the arms, back, abdomen and also add legs, feet and hands. The face will be last to be edited.

Week 4:

Week 5: